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Monday, 12 November 2012 11:01

Pulp Paper logistics magazine and join forces.

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pplLogoVince Maynard the publisher & editorial director of Pulp Paper Logistics magazine has quoted "it has been interesting to see the changes from within the industry over the past 12 months. Mergers, acquisitions and sadly some closures. Tissue and packaging continues however to inspire and the developments in this area have been innovative".

Innovation and the ability to look forwards continue to drive our industry worldwide and this is something we have also taken part in.

Our forward looking attitude has again taken another step forwards and after months of discussions I can report that as of now we will work in co-operation with Ian Melin Jones of Pulp-paperworld to provide the much needed website platform that many you have asked for. This agreement will in return allow an avenue for print promotion and at the same time enable every reader of PPL access to a comprehensive and daily updated website.

PPL magazine will continue to be available in Print, on line digital and full issue PDF formats, this form of cooperation is nothing new in the pulp and paper industry but for the publishing sector it offers an innovative and mutually beneficial collaboration for both readers and subscribers alike.

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