Displaying items by tag: PEFC

Twin Rivers Paper Company is pleased to announce the company has achieved PEFC™ (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification™) Chain of Custody certification.

“The addition of PEFC certification is important both domestically and for its international reach. The standard enables our customers to have confidence the products they use from Twin Rivers are produced using practices that are consistent with their global procurement and sustainability initiatives,” said Dave Deger, Vice President, Strategy and Marketing.

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This rigorous international third-party standard ensures the wood and fiber used to make the Company’s lightweight specialty paper and dimensional lumber products originate from sustainable, well-managed forests.

In addition to PEFC, Twin Rivers holds Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) and the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) chain of custody certifications enabling the company to offer its industry leading packaging, publishing and label papers under all of the three certification programs.

Chain of custody certification requires robust systems and accurate traceability procedures to track the path of fiber-based raw materials from the forest through finished product. The PEFC standard requires that wood and fiber source use globally recognized principles of forest management intended to prevent deforestation and safeguard forests while respecting the highest ecological, social and ethical standards.

As the largest forest certification system in the world, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification is comprised of 38 endorsed national certification systems and more than 670 million acres of certified forests. In North America, the more well-known certification systems endorsed by PEFC include Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®), American Tree Farm System (ATFS) and Canadian Sustainable Forest Management Standard (CAN/CSA-Z809-08).

Twin Rivers Paper Company is an integrated forest products company that manufactures packaging, label and publishing paper products and dimensional lumber for targeted markets and applications. Lumber and pulp operations are located in New Brunswick, and the paper operation is based in Maine. For more information, visit the website at twinriverspaper.com.

Published in North American News
Tuesday, 07 June 2016 07:16

PEFC at Asian Paper Bangkok

asian paper fireside chatThailand announces their application to PEFC for membership and we highlight the opportunities of certification in Asia and beyond – Asian Paper Bangkok 2016 was a busy few days!

“Accelerating demand for legal and sustainable timber represents both opportunities and challenges for the world's forest's, specifically in Asia,” said Ben Gunneberg, CEO of PEFC International, as he spoke at the Certification, Environment and Sustainability session on the first day of Asian Paper.

“Certification must adapt to the constantly shifting sands of needs of people. We need to ensure that sustainable forest management equally balances the environmental, social and economic pillars of sustainability, we need to find common ground between global demand side requirements and local supply side expectations," Mr. Gunneberg explained.  

"By working through a bottom-up approach, by convening all interested parties at both national and international levels in ongoing dialogues, PEFC is well placed to build a bridge between local and global and to advance an understanding of sustainability that we all can feel comfortable with," Mr. Gunneberg highlighted.

Alongside Ben’s ‘fireside chat’ with other forestry experts to address sustainable forestry, realizing dollars and the value of sustainability, we also had our PEFC booth at the heart of the Asian Paper to provide information, initiate debate and raise awareness throughout the two day conference.

Spotlight on Thailand.

tfcc launchWith so much progress under foot in Thailand towards enhancing the legal and sustainable trade and production in the wood-based and forest sector, PEFC and Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) co-hosted a special afternoon session within Asian Paper to shine the spotlight on Thailand.  

During the event, dozens of stakeholders came together celebrate progress in developing the Thai national certification system and to share perspectives for enhancing the sustainability of the Thai forestry sector through PEFC certification.

“Now that the Thailand Forest Certification Council is officially registered within FTI we have completed all the requirements and look forward to becoming a member of PEFC,” announced Dr. Nihkom, Chair of the TFCC. “Joining PEFC’s international alliance will give Thailand prominence and recognition for all the work we are doing to advance sustainability within our country.”

“I would like to congratulate all the stakeholders who have worked so hard over the past years to achieve this significant step towards the PEFC endorsement of a Thai Forest Certification System,” said Mr. Gunneberg, as he made the announcement. “We look forward to welcoming Thailand as a National member once they have been voted in by our PEFC members.”

The announcement follows an important development on 11 May when the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, the Ministry of Industry Thailand, and Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives came together to form the Institute Agro-based Industry (IAI) under FTI. It was acknowledged that the Institute will be responsible for running the Thailand Forest Certification Council.

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With an estimated 1.6 billion people globally depending on forests for their livelihoods, including some 60 million indigenous people, the loss of forests would threaten dudethe way of life and the very livelihoods of communities that live and work directly in forests and forest landscapes.

Equally important is the potential loss of their traditional forest-related knowledge and practices that have supported the livelihoods and cultures of local and indigenous communities for centuries, while sustaining and enhancing biological diversity in forests and associated agro-ecosystems.

To access and better understand this traditional knowlegde and to identify opportunities for forest certification to contribute to indigenous peoples communities, PEFC selected a project by Kadioan for support by the 2011 PEFC Collaboration Fund. Kadioan is a Philippines-based indigenous people’s organization tasked with promoting indigenous resource systems. The Malaysian Timber Certification Council provided additional support to the project.

The project recognized that indigenous communities have limited knowledge of forest certification yet that indigenous peoples are potentially interested in forest certification given the benefits that it provides them with, specifically in terms of rights recognition. This includes criteria concerning free, prior and informed consent, recognition of customary and traditional rights such as outlined in ILO 169 and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the protection of sites with recognized historical, cultural or spiritual significance.

The project, which included indigenous communities in Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, also raised awareness of group certification as a mechanism best suited for their particular needs.  “There is now certainly a better understanding of the linkages between forest certification and the sustainability of indigenous forest management systems, “ said Minnie Degawan from the International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal People of the Tropical Forests (IAITPFT) and member of the PEFC International Board of Directors. “Equally important, it has strengthened collaboration, which is an important enabler for group certification, among indigenous communities, though more work is certainly needed.”

Going forward, KADIOAN intends to continue its activities – notably forums and training workshops – with indigenous communities to promote the value of certification to their livelihoods. KADIOAN will also work to link its activities to the Smallholder Group Certification project which may offer a mechanism for small indigenous forest dwellers to become certified.

Published in South American News
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Four leaders of the North American publishing industry announced they will partner with the North American-based PEFC member Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) to help spur the growth of certification to preserve and protect forests.


Time Inc., the National Geographic SocietyMacmillan, and Pearson will become Founding Partners of the SFI Forest Partners Program. The alliance was announced at the SFI annual conference in Milwaukee, attended by foresters, land owners, conservation groups, First Nations, industry and government agencies.

SFI Forest Partners allows market leaders to support certification, as well as landowners and manufacturers facilitate forest certification and the certified sourcing of forest products. Partners will work collectively with the SFI community to make certification more efficient and accessible by providing resources for activities such as shared consulting expertise, group certification or audit coordination.

"A decade ago, Time Inc. was one of the first companies to make a public commitment to use 80% certified fiber. Progress beyond that goal has been hampered by the limited availability of adequate supply," said Guy Gleysteen, Senior Vice President of Production at Time Inc. "SFI Forest Partners lets us have a direct impact on the growth of forest certification and the responsible sourcing of forest products."

By the end of 2014, SFI Forest Partners aims to certify five million acres (two million hectares) of forests to the SFI 2010-2014 Standard. By the end of 2017, the Forest Partners Program hopes to certify 10 million acres (four million hectares) of forest across the United States and Canada. It will also seek to certify more small and medium-sized mills to SFI certified sourcing or chain-of-custody certification.

"We believe strongly that we, as publishers, have a role to play in encouraging responsible forestry practices," said Hans Wegner, Chief Sustainability Officer for the National Geographic Society. "We know that humans are deforesting the globe, particularly in the tropical regions of the world, at a clip of approximately 2 percent a year, a trend that is completely unsustainable. We may well be the last generation with the opportunity to reverse that trend."

"Sustainability is a core mission for Macmillan," said CEO John Sargent. "By committing to the use of certified fiber sourced from well-managed North American forests we are ensuring responsible, environmentally-friendly forestry while also supporting the most efficient global use of recycled fiber. Third-party certification instills confidence that we are making informed choices that keep domestic forests healthy, rural communities strong, and preserves fragile forests in other areas of our world."

"Forest Certification is an increasingly important tool in the ongoing struggle to create a sustainable world. Trees absorb carbon. Well-managed forests help address deforestation, protect and enhance biodiversity, and underpin sustainable livelihoods," said Rich Glicini, Senior Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility, Pearson. "Five years ago we made a commitment to climate neutrality for our directly-controlled operations. Helping to promote responsible forest management practices complements that commitment and continues to be a priority for Pearson companies."

"The SFI Forest Partners Program builds on an innovative pilot project in Maine that resulted in an additional 1.4 million acres/570,000 hectares certified to the SFI 2010-2014 Standard," said SFI President and CEO Kathy Abusow. "The Maine project also resulted in 100,000 acres of forest lands certified to the American Tree Farm Standard. We look forward to building on that initiative with these four founding members of the Forest Partners Program."

Published in North American News
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As part its assistance to projects and activities intended to promote sustainable forest management, mainstream forest certification, improve market conditions for certified products, and advance knowledge and collaboration, PEFC is has selected six projects to benefit from its Collaboration Fund this year.

The PEFC Collaboration Fundseeks to support efforts to advance sustainable forest management and forest certification around the world by members and partner six opt weborganizations. Through the competitive small grants programme, PEFC encourages locally relevant advancements in the sustainable management of forests.

The six projects selected this year will receive a total of more than CHF 127.000 over the course of the next 12-18 month. In total, PEFC awarded close to a quarter of a million Swiss Francs to eleven projects through the Collaboration Fund in 2011 and 2012. This year's grantees include CESEFOR-Mediterranean Model Forest Network(Spain), the Estonian Forest Certification Council (Estonia), the Forest Certification Center (Russia), NymE Erfaret (Hungary) and PEFC Italy (Italy and the Balkans, two projects) and a total of about 20 project partners.

"We are thrilled to start working with these organisations and develop new partnerships with them to bring forward sustainable forest management and forest certification in new areas," said Sarah Price, Head of Projects and Development at PEFC International. "Our experiences from last years have demonstrated that the PEFC Collaboration Fund has the potential to make a real difference on the ground, and we hope that the 2012 projects will be equally successful."

The call for entries for the 2013 PEFC Collaboration Fund is expected to be issued in late 2012 (subject to funding availability).

Projects supported in 2012 include:

Sustainable Forest Management & PEFC Certification in Bosnia and Herzegovina Private Forests

Project objectives

  • Expand forest certification in the Balkans;
  • Raise awareness of the need for certification among private forest owners;
  • Secure the participation and involvement of interested stakeholders in the national standard setting process and creation of a National Governing Body;
  • Support preparations for the development of national PEFC systems .

Implementing organization
PEFC Italy was established to encourage and improve the sustainable development of forests through the promotion of the PEFC certification system and according to established standards. It joined PEFC in 2001.

Further information about the project

Fostering Partnerships to Promote PEFC Certification in Hungary

Project objectives

  • Develop a national PEFC system and promote PEFC Chain of Custody certification;
  • Build capacity among private forest owners and managers and the forest industry;
  • Develop a national PEFC certification system in Hungary;
  • Promote PEFC certification.

Implementing organization
ERFARET Non-profit Ltd. (ERFARET) is a research and development organization founded by the University of West-Hungary. Its primary mission is to foster cooperation between the University and its partners.

Further information about the project

Building Capacity for the Development of PEFC Certification in Russia and the Russian Far East

Project objectives

  • Build capacity for the development of PEFC certification in Russia and the Russian Far East;
  • Provide training to forest owners and forest certification auditors;
  • Promote uptake of PEFC Chain of Custody certification in the market place.

Implementing organization
The Forest Certification Center (FCC), a not-for-profit partnership of leading organizations, and acknowledged experts and scientists working on issues related to the conservation of forest biodiversity and the sustainable use of forest resources.

Further information about the project

Estonia Market Outreach

Project objectives

  • Raise awareness of PEFC in Estonia;
  • Increase the certified forest area, especially of privately owned forests;
  • Promote PEFC certification and label use among companies.

Implementing organization
The Estonian Forest Certification Council (EFCC) was set up as a non-profit organization on 29 October 2001 on the initiative of private forest owners and with the participation of other interest groups and stakeholders. The overall objective of the Estonian Forest Certification Scheme is to support the implementation of sustainable forestry in Estonia. EFCC currently has 12 institutional non-governmental members.

Further information about the project

Forest Traceability: Marketing Mushrooms in the Spanish Urbion Model Forest

Project objectives

  • Investigate marketing synergies between certification and traceability;
  • Develop a web-based platform;
  • Pilot traceability of PEFC-certified mushrooms.

Implementing organization
CeseFOR is the Castilla y León regional wood and forestry industry centre; it works along the entire forest sector value chain at regional, national and international levels. The organization also acts as the main technical advisor to the Environment Department of the regional government of Castilla y León.

Further information about the project


E-Learning 4 PEFC 

Project objectives

  • Develop an e-learning platform to address current and future capacity building needs of PEFC members and stakeholders;
  • Increase the availability of information about PEFC concepts, tools and objectives at national and international level;
  • Prepare pilot courses on a variety of topics.

Implementing organization
PEFC Italy was established to encourage and improve the sustainable development of forests through the promotion of the PEFC certification system and according to established standards. It joined PEFC in 2001.

Further information about the project

Published in European News
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The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) Inc. has made substantial progress in safeguarding forests and the communities that rely on them today and for future generations, according to an External Review Panel. sfi-annual

 "The Future is Decided Now, SFI's Annual Progress report, demonstrates how procurement and policy decisions today affect North America's forests tomorrow. Our actions today – from individuals choosing wood or paper products, to buyers setting out procurement principles, government agencies developing policies and conservationists planning research activities – affect our future, the future health of our forests and the future prosperity of rural communities across North America," said SFI President and CEO Kathy Abusow today. "This progress report also demonstrates how decisions by the SFI Board of Directors and our many partners set the standard for responsible forest management."

The report shows an increase of nearly 30% of companies certified to SFI sourcing requirements from December 2010 to December 2011 according to the SFI External Review Panel, an independent body that ensures the report fairly states the status of SFI program implementation. The SFI annual report reflects the substantial impact the Sustainable Forestry Initiative has on setting and achieving a high standard for the practice and continuous improvement of sustainable forest management in North America.

The following SFI achievements were specifically cited by the External Review Panel:

  • Research – SFI is the only forest certification standard in North America requiring participants support forest research. In 2011 program participants invested $83.2 million for research activities. The total since 1995 is more than $1.3 billion.
  • Conservation grants – Since 2010, SFI Inc. has committed $1.27 million for 29 projects through its Conservation and Community Partnerships Program., including five projects in 2012 that focus on water resource management.
  • Working with communities ­– Close to 900 people are involved with 37 grassroots SFI Implementation Committees. They have contributed $2.5 million to support local programs such as logger training and landowner outreach in 2011, for a total of $60.2 million since 1995.
  • Training loggers – Nearly 6500 resource and logging professionals were trained in responsible forestry through the SFI or other recognized programs in 2011. SFI has helped 135,853 individuals complete training programs since 1995.

"Anyone who wants to learn how they can help SFI make a difference in forests and communities, and in markets around the globe is welcome to attend our 2012 Annual Conference," Abusow said. 

Published in Featured Company
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The PrintCity Alliance has 28 world leading organizations, including PEFC, participating in itsdrupa 2012 exhibition activities in Hall 6, from May 3-16. Under the headline PRINT: SEEN! LEAN & GREEN, the alliance is printcityfeaturing four hot topic attractions to interest and inform visitors from around the world:

Digital & Offset Printing – The Best of Both Worlds

Tune-Up Your Web Press – Extending Web Printing Performance

Value Added Printing & Packaging – Touch the Emotions and add new Functions

Lean & Green Opportunities – Improving Economic & Environmental Performance

PEFC representatives will be at hand in the Lean & Green area to provide information for the print and graphics sector about the advantages of sourcing paper sustainably.

To accommodate the needs of a diverse and international audience, representatives from six different national PEFC organizations, in addition to PEFC International, namely Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States, will be present on different days to answer questions and provide in-depth information.

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The Antalis Group is the European leader and fourth largest distributer of paper, printing supplies and packaging in the world. The company is present in 53 countries and has more than 230,000 clients, comprised mainly of companies and printers.

Michel Migeot, Director of Marketing and Sustainable Development at Antalis France takes stock of four years of PEFC certification.

Why have you chosen to implement PEFC certification?
We obtained PEFC certification in December 2007 in response to client expectations and increasing requests for assurances about the origins of paper fibre. The Antalis Group supports all initiatives intended to promote sustainability efforts within the paper sector.

How did you implement PECF Chain of Custody certification?
The implementation of PEFC Chain of Custody certification took place over a four-month period and involved three members of staff who devoted part of their time to its roll-out. I was involved, along with another member of the marketing team. The Head of Logistics also participated in gaining Chain of Custody certification. Indeed, logistics are an important part of what we do and therefore a crucial element in PEFC Chain of Custody.

Antalis chose to focus on key staff members and to train them in the new practices required. The company was able to adapt easily to the requirements for PEFC Chain of Custody certification, and our IT system was modified to integrate the tracing of certified material throughout the Chain of Custody.

What are the main commercial benefits of PEFC certification?
Demand for PEFC certified paper is increasing. Today, most printers are PEFC certified. PEFC certification therefore gives us a market advantage. Certified paper currently accounts for 70% of what we offer.

How was PEFC certification received internally by the company?
Certification allowed us to mobilize our workforce and is a source of great pride for our staff. Three to four years ago, deforestation was a very important concern for the paper industry. Thanks to certification, we have been able to put in place a credible and verifiable system that offers assurances about the sustainable source of our paper. This could only meet with the approval of our workforce!

Published in European News
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Australian Forestry Standard Limited (AFS Ltd) has announced the commencement of the first public comment phase of the revision process of the Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management(AS 4708), scheduled from 19 March to 18 May 2012.

The Standard Review Committee has already distributed the draft revised standard to a broad range of stakeholders in forest management seeking their comments. The Committee is seeking additional public comment on the draft standard via two public comment periods. In addition to this first public comment period, a second period will be based on a revised draft and is currently scheduled to be undertaken from June to August 2012.

"The Australian Forestry Standard is recognised as a world class standard and regular review and improvement is required to maintain this recognition," said the Chairman of the Standard Review Committee, Dr Paul Biggs.

"The Committee is made up of a broad range of interested and affected stakeholders and they are keen to get public feedback on the draft Standard to compare with their own views on how the Standard can be further improved," he added.

The Australian Forest Certification Scheme, of which AS4708 is a key component, is endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). PEFC is the world's largest certification system for sustainable forest management and, as the only global forest certification system, requires and implements regular revisions of all endorsed standards every five years. PEFC's Sustainability Benchmarks have also continued to evolve in recent years and the Standard Review Committee has sought to ensure that the revised Australian Standard (AS4708) continues to be consistent with PEFC requirements.

The intensive public participation plan for the project is fully engaging all stakeholders groups and interested parties within and connected to sustainable forestry and the supply chain of wood and wood products. Couple this with rigorous adherence to international processes and guidelines, as well as an emphasis on science and evidence, this review project will ensure that this internationally recognised Australian Standard continues to be regarded as the most credible and robust forest certification tool.

The draft revision of the Standard and a submission form can be downloaded from theAFS Ltd. website.

Published in Oceania News
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Electricity consumers in Spain are shortly to take advantage of renewable energy produced from PEFC-certified biomass. Valoriza Energía has recently obtained PEFC Chain of Custody certification for three valoriza-med of its plants in Andalusia with a combined capacity of 33.8 megawatts, sufficient to provide electricity to an equivalent of more than 23,000 households per year.

Valoriza Energía, which is part of the Sacyr Vallehermoso Group, is committed to utilizing forest biomass in a responsible manner and obtained PEFC certification to demonstrate the sustainability of the high volume of biomass it procures.

"We have noticed that energy companies are becoming increasingly interested in ensuring that the biomass they are using is PEFC-certified," said Michael Berger, Head of Technical Unit, PEFC International. "This is an important development: For forest biomass to be renewable, it must originate form forests that are managed sustainably."

Forest biomass in electricity production decreases carbon emissions because the carbon in biomass is regarded as part of the natural carbon cycle: trees take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into biomass and released it back into the atmosphere when they decompose naturally or are burned for biomass production.

"PEFC certification ensures that the forests from which the biomass originates are managed in a responsible manner, maintaining their capacity to deliver environmental, social and economic benefits," Mr. Berger emphasized.

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